Now, I've read through this great website enough to know that I'm a little out-numbered when it comes to men/women describing their wonderful love stories. However, as a good 'ole country boy, waking up each morning to go haul freight and get dirty every day, I'm proud to tell this story about the best person to ever step into my life, and how the two of us ended up in the same pathway of each others lives.

Needles to say, Jami and I were begged to meet each other (and trust me, I'm glad that we did)! We met for a drink and dinner on a Saturday afternoon, and all I can remember is how stunning Jami's eyes were, and how we both just started blabbing right away (perfect)! Our friendship began that instant, and as the night went on, it became better and better.....(and more interesting)! We left dinner to go over to her friends house later, but somehow ended up at a house that turned out not to be the right one! Picture this - Jami and I were in the front yard of this house and I'm getting ready to sit in their jeep CJ5 parked in the driveway, while convincing Jami to ride their purple little girls bike in their front yard...when all of a sudden a man opened the front door and asked, "What are you guys doing?!?" Jami and I simply stopped in our tracks and said "sorry, we're evidently at the wrong house sir.......sorry!" And we couldn't have walked away any faster! We shortly thereafter found the right house thankfully!
While standing by a fire pit in the backyard at our friends house later that night, I couldn't help but to think about how funny our mishap earlier was, and how beautiful Jami was. Absolutely the most interesting and gorgeous woman I've ever known. Again, the bliss was shortly thereafter interrupted when all of a sudden we were surrounded by the Eugene Police department SWAT TEAM! It turned out some neighbors had complained about fireworks being set off at the backyard party "which were cool," and they simply left after the owners of the house explained the cause of the noise. Regardless, all of this action still didn't distract from the fun and the best first date that Jami and I have ever had!Our first date was priceless to us, and always will be. We both had a good feeling that night would be the first of a lifetime of laughter, growth,and moments to remember....
That first night was many moons ago, and earlier this year Jami and I took a trip to Lake Havasu, Arizona (one of Jami's favorite places) with her mother and father for a perfect warm winter getaway. Towards the end of our week in Havasu, I went to lunch with Bruce (Jami's Dad) and asked for his permission to take Jami's hand in marriage, and Bruce gladly accepted my plea. I proposed to my beautiful wife later that evening at one of her favorite restaurants (The Naked Turtle). Her mom and dad, Bruce and Sue, were sitting at the same table with us while fireworks were blasting and glowing in the skies outside! I will never forget that amazing night, and now looking back, it will always be a perfect description of our love and friendship...I will never forget slipping Jami's ring onto her finger, and sharing the most important and special kiss of our lives knowing that we will have each other to confide in, trust, and rely on for the rest of our days......"bliss"....and it all started with a wrong address and a swat team!
Photos by TwentyTwo7 Photography
Such a great story to share. I had forgotten about the SWAT team, but I'm not surprised it happened either knowing Jami Lol I'm thankful you two found something so great in each other and can't wait for the wedding this weekend and the stories that will be made along this new journey!! Love you guys!!