I first saw Jon at Oregon State in 2004, during our first week as freshman. I thought he was really cute, which surprised me because I had never really been attracted to a red head before. A few weeks later, I was running down the stairs in Finley Hall to let my laundry out of the dryer when I slipped and fell into Jon’s arms. I was mortified and couldn’t do much more than stutter. Jon asked me if I was ok and then set me down and continued on his way. After that, we hung out a few more times during the school year and developed a friendship.
The next school year saw us both back in Finley and living on the same floor. I found that I really liked him and wanted to date him but didn’t know what to do about it. Jon, as it turned out, was in the same boat. We had planned to go with a couple friends to my parent’s house in Myrtle Creek to watch to Beaver football game and hang out. Apparently our friends knew something we didn’t and they canceled so it ended up that Jon and I were the only ones who went. We had a rather romantic weekend and, best of all, I found that Jon really liked my herd of goats! I knew then that he was my one and only. He asked me out when we got back to Corvallis and we’ve been inseparable ever since!
The Proposal
Jon and I had been talking about marriage for a couple of years and had been looking for an engagement ring that we both could love. We finally found it in my hometown. In December 2009, Jon went into the shop to talk pricing with the owner and I went down the ways to the mall to finish up Christmas shopping. Little did I know that Jon bought the ring right then and there. I thought he might propose on New Year’s Eve, but no such luck. I figured that he just hadn’t bought the ring yet.
About a week later, Jon was out at his tutoring job and I was home alone with the two cats, Jasmine and Shirpa. I went into Jon’s ‘man cave’ to work with the GRE prep program. I wanted to turn the TV on for background noise and went looking for the remote in Jon’s desk. I saw a velvet box and thought it was his Eagle Scout award. While continuing my search for the remote, I knocked the box out of the drawer and it popped open. Shirpa immediately jumped on the contents of the box and ran for it. I chased him all over the apartment and finally caught him in the living room. I pried open his mouth and out popped the engagement ring. I was stunned!
I quickly put it back in the box in the desk and tried to pretend that I didn’t see it. Of course, as soon as Jon came home I confessed to having found it. He laughed and said that it was ok. I thought he’d propose then but, again, no such luck. He said that I expected it and that ruined some of the fun of it, so not tonight. Three days later Jon asked me to help him in the office with setting up a game system. I did and found myself doing nothing. Then Jon pulled me onto his lap, held me, kissed, and then asked me to spend the rest of forever with him. I cried a bit, punched his shoulder, and said yes!

Photos by I and M Photography
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